Your Footprint. Australia’s Trees. Our Future.

Become Carbon Positive

Carbon Positive Australia helps organisations, communities, and individuals take climate action by supporting tree planting and ecosystem restoration. Our projects are about more than just carbon offsets—they’re about meaningful restoration, supporting community tree planting and providing education tools to help everyone understand their climate impact.

Our work extends beyond simply offsetting carbon footprints—and yours can, too. 

When you partner with Carbon Positive Australia, you support Australian native tree planting projects. And those projects contribute to the global effort to mitigate climate change.

close up of leaves at planting site

With over 20 years of experience, we’re experts in revegetation, reforestation, carbon offsets, and environmental plantings.

What your donation funds

Your donation funds the development and implementation of environmental restoration projects. That means we’re on the ground planting native trees—and working with our partners to:

Not only that, we’re creating the best possible conditions for ecological restoration in Australia.

We’re dedicated to every part of the planting process— from species selection and seed collection to monitoring, protection, and community engagement. 

Support the carbon life cycle — from beginning to end

Restoration from the ground up

Restore ecosystems

Check out our largest restoration project, Eurardy Reserve, on Nanda County. Restoring a globally significant kwongan heath ecosystem. The team is faced with the mammoth task of replicating one of nature’s most diverse ecosystems…

Capture carbon

Discover our Brookton Biodiverse carbon project, on Ballardong Noongar Country, where we are working with WA landholders to plant trees on marginal land, no longer useful for food production. Capturing carbon whilst restoring County. 

Support community projects

Did you know that native forests grown using the Miyawaki method can be planted in spaces as small as 3m²? We are funding community projects across Australia, find out more about Miyawaki Pocket Forests here.

Deliver educational tools

We were the first organisation in Australia to have an online Carbon Calculator. Our award winning version of this easy to use calculator can be found here. Calculate now to discover your carbon footprint.

Tools for change

If you’re ready to get started on a more sustainable future, partnering with Carbon Positive Australia is the way to do it. Start by calculating your carbon footprint to measure your emissions. If you are a business choose from our quick business footprint calculator or take a deep dive into our comprehensive calculator for an accurate carbon footprint across all business activities.

Reports and impacts

Carbon Positive Australia is the trading name of the Carbon Neutral Charitable Fund. We are a registered environmental charity with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status. You can find our reports below.

Get involved

I’m an

Support native tree planting

If you want to have a positive environmental impact by funding tree planting, restoring landscapes, and supporting healthy communities and Country, you’re in the right place!

I’m in a

Set and reach your environmental goals

Make your values tangible by becoming a Carbon Positive Partner. Ideal for environmentally aware organisations of any size.

I’m a

Restore your land

Apply now to find out how you can plant trees on your land. We support land holders who would like to restore their land through native tree planting.

I’m in a

Make planting happen

Learn about the wonderful world of Miyawaki forests and find out how you can plant one in your community.

Together we’re regenerating Australia

Here is what you’ve helped us achieve: