Breaking down biodiversity with Carbon Positive Australia

Biodiversity is the needle that threads us all together and is a reminder that we are very much connected to nature. It includes and affects every living thing on our planet.

close up of blooming melaleuca brophyi

What is biodiversity?

How does Carbon Positive Australia support biodiversity?


Biodiversity Outcomes:
Seven years on from planting, the Yarraweyah sites continues to thrive. We planted more than 100 native tree and shrub species across the 100-hectare site, with many seeds hand collected and local seeds collected by owners as well. The project has reconnected remnant bushland and restored the native habitat, providing food and shelter for native mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects. We continue to work with the landowners on flora and fauna surveys and community programs designed to demonstrate the restoration success and look forward to future opportunities for this beautiful site.

This site was a part of a fauna biodiversity survey completed by Angela Sanders BHA between 2014 and 2016. The study identified 26 native bird species that were thriving, and the return of other fauna including the Honey Possum, Western Bobtail, Dugite, and Banjo Frog.

close up of honey possum
Honey Possum. Photograph courtesy of Robert McLean.

Species: Acacia, Allocasuarina, Alyogyne, Banksia, Calliris, Calothammus, Dodonaea, Eucalyptus, Gastrolobium, Hakea, Isopogon, Juncus, Kenzea, Lepidosperma, Melaleuca, Senna, Templetonia, Verticordia.

a red-tailed black cockatoo perched on plant 2
Black Cockatoo. Photograph courtesy of Celine Dubois.

Seed Mix: Acacia dentifera, A. extensa, A. gilberti, A. nervosa, A. pulchella, A. saligna, Banksia sessilis, Calothamnus quadrifidus, Hakea lissocarpa, Taxandra linerafolia, Viminaria juncea.

Seedlings: Callistemon phoeniceus, Calothamnus quadrifdus, Corymbia calophylla, Eucalyptus marginate, E. rudis, E. wandoo, Hakea lissocapha, Juncus pallidus, Melaleuca pressiana, M. rhaphiophylla, Taxandra linerafolia.


Biodiversity Outcomes:
This project focused on native plant species known to be essential to the feeding, breeding, and roosting cycles of three endangered black cockatoo species unique to the southwest of Western Australia. By reforesting an old orchard and grazing property in Banyowla Regional Park, the project also enhanced the local flora and fauna and formed an important carbon sink. The project itself was unique because it is located on the very edge of the Swan Coastal Plain, a critical habitat area for all three threatened species of black cockatoo; the Carnaby, Baudin’s, and Forest Red Tail.


Biodiversity Outcomes:
This project is split into 3 different planting areas: Saltland Carbon (10ha), Biodiverse Sandalwood (30ha), and Biodiverse Carbon (25ha). The property lies directly adjacent to the Stirling Ranges National Park, making it of great significance for environmental restoration as it will provide a wildlife corridor to the National Park.

In July 2020, 85 local species were planted (69 direct seeds, 25 seedlings). Data from recent monitoring is currently being analysed, but initial feedback shows us the excellent establishment of Acacia hosts in the Biodiverse Sandalwood planting, allowing us to begin planning for future planting of sandalwood seed.

Species: Acacia, Agonis, Allocasuarina, Astartea, Atriplex, Bossiaea, Brachysema, Callistemon, Calothamnus, Casuarina, Eucalyptus, Hakea, Hypocalymma, Jacksonia, Kunzea, Leptospermum, Melaleuca, Patersonia, Regelia, Viminaria.

two Crested Bellbird perched on branch 2
Crested Bellbird. Photo courtesy of Peter Russel

Seed Mix: Acacia, Allocasuarina, Triplex, Catllitris, Codonocarpus, Dodonea, Eucalyptus, Grevillia, Hakea, Rhagodia, Senna.

Hill View

Biodiversity Outcomes:
As a part of the” Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor” (YBBC), this project is linked to 12 nature reserves across approximately 10,100 hectares. It is one of the largest planting projects globally and the first native restoration project in Australia to achieve international Gold Standard accreditation. We partnered with Auscarbon Pty Ltd to complete a 184 hectare site called Hillview within the YYBC.

The Hill View area (approx 617ha) was a baseline monitoring survey for the YYBC and the first and only systematic baseline survey conducted at any of the Yarra Yarra properties. The biodiversity value of the Hill View area has been estimated at between $2M and $4.5M over the life of the project. As the site is within one of the only 35 globally significant biodiversity hotspots, the results were and still are encouraging for biodiversity restoration.

Results from the survey included:
Birds: 1,040 birds were recorded from 50 native species. This included 13 bird species of conservation significance, one of which listed as near threatened in WA, the Crested Bellbird (Oreoica gutturalis).

Plants: 127 plant species were recorded. This included 97 perennial and 50 annual species. There were 3 plant species listed as threatened and/or rare in Western Australia; Eucaltyptus synandra, Melaleuca barlowii and Persooniapentasticha.

Insects: 256 species of insects recorded, a large number for the relatively small area surveyed. The vast majority of those species were flower-visiting insects that play an essential role in pollination.

Ecologists recorded several other animals not formally included in the monitoring project. These included the conservation significant Perentie (Varanus giganteus), Western Red Kangaroo, Euro, and Echidna.

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