Offset By Tonne – Business


Your donation supports native tree planting on degraded land across Australia. For every 1 tonne of carbon you offset with us, the funds go directly into our planting projects. We plant enough trees to offset each tonne of CO2e.

Our planting projects are protected for 25 – 100 years.

Choose how many tonnes of CO2e you want to offset by updating the quantity value below.

When offsetting with Carbon Positive Australia you are supporting native tree planting on degraded land across Australia. The funds go directly into our planting projects. We plant enough trees to offset each tonne of CO2e.

In establishing our offsets, we follow the methodologies set out by the Australian Government’s Emission Reduction Fund, using the Full Carbon Accounting Model (FullCAM) to measure the amount of CO2e captured. As we don’t intend to claim Australian Carbon Credit Units due to the high cost and administration requirements, we do not have our projects audited by a third party. It also means that we do not develop ACCUs that fossil fuel emitters can purchase. Keeping administrative costs low, enables us to take on new projects and plant more trees. We supply in-depth planting and monitoring reports and photography to provide transparency around on-ground activities.

Our carbon offsets/credits are not verified or accredited offsets as they have not been validated and verified by an accredited third party. Unverified offsets are issued by the carbon project developer using relevant methodologies but are not independently verified.

Every tonne of carbon you offset helps us plant more trees and shrubs, restoring our amazing continent’s natural landscape and biodiversity and capturing carbon.

Please continue to our FAQ’s to read more.