Part of the 180-hectare area identified for planting.
View over the southern planting paddock
View looking east towards Chiddarcooping Nature Reserve.
Part of the ‘northern paddock’ identified for planting.
The Wheatbelt NRM Noongar Boodja Rangers during a seed collection trip.
Ebony (CPOZ) next to a flowering Acacia tree during a seed collection trip.
A flowering Hakea invaginata in the remnant bush next to the planting site.
Hakea invaginata seed collected and laid out to dry.
Drying Allocasuarina acutivalvis seed pods.
Native seeds drying out in a the hot room.
Shane (Cape Life) with a seed laden Acacia yorkrakinensis.
Bags of seed drying in the on-site shed.
Jess (CPOZ) inspecting some of the Warralakin seedlings at Wongan Trees Nursery.
Thousands of healthy seedlings at Wongan Trees Nursery.
View over the southern paddock, ripped and ready for planting.
Freshly ripped lines ready for planting (Photo: Peter Ewing).
Close up of one of the many rows ripped, seeded, and ready for planting (Photo: Peter Ewing).
Trays of Eucalyptus loxophleba ssp. supralaevis loaded onto the ute for planting.
Seedlings trays ready to be planted.
Jess (CPOZ) and the Noongar Boodja Rangers (Wheatbelt NRM) assessing the planting area.
Kidney buckets loaded and ready for planting.
Workpower staff planting seedlings with a pottiputki.
Loading up a kidney bucket with seedlings.
Seedlings trays organised by species.
A Eucalyptus seedling being placed into the pottiputki.
One of the Noongar Boodja Rangers using a pottiputki to plant seedlings.
The Workpower ute loaded up with empty seedling trays.
Seedlings emerging from the direct seeding.
A healthy Eucalyptus loxophleba seedling a couple of months after planting.
Late afternoon sun over the planting rows (Photo: Peter Ewing).
Late afternoon sun over the planting rows (Photo: Peter Ewing).
Late afternoon sun over the planting rows (Photo: Peter Ewing).
View over the 2024 northern paddock, ripped and ready for planting.
Liv (CPOZ) excited about planting into the new rip lines.
Bomber (Noongar Boodja Rangers) and Ros ready to unload the next seedling delivery.
On-site nursery for the 2024 planting.
The planting team collecting seedlings to continue planting along the rows.
The Noongar Boodja Rangers planting along the 2024 northern paddock rows.
Bush Blocks Guardians volunteers planting Acacia resinimarginea.
Bush Blocks Guardians volunteers collecting seedlings into their buckets.
Freshly planted seedlings along a planting row in 2024.
Eucalyptus seedling freshly planted in 2024.