Planting rows with native bush in the background

Kalaamaya Country

Warralakin, WA

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Seedlings Planted

Project overview

Latest news


June 2024

Dr Geoff Woodall ripped and seeded a further 55 hectares of the northern paddock. Over a two-week period, members of the CPOZ team, the Wheatbelt NRM Noongar Boodja Rangers and Bush Blocks Guardians volunteers hand-planted more than 63,000 seedlings across the site. The planting included 27 species, all sourced from remnant bush on the property with seedlings grown at several local nurseries.


March 2024

Jess and Liv (CPOZ) completed the first comprehensive monitoring assessment of the site, establishing 12 permanent plots across the site. The average stocking density was 613 trees/ha in the southern paddock and 1,373 trees/ha in the northern paddock, indicating excellent seedling survival and seed germination. The tallest tree measured during the assessment was a 0.9m Calothamnus quadrifidus.

Monitoring and INfill

September 2023

Dr Geoff Woodall returned to the site to monitor seedling survival and seed germination. Given the tough winter, the results were very positive. The first comprehensive monitoring assessment is scheduled for Autumn 2024. Next winter, we will plant an additional 55 hectares in the northern paddock and infill any patchy areas from the 2023 planting.

Man standing in planting row with bucket full of seedlings ready to plant


July 2023

Over a two week period, the Noongar Boodja Rangers and the team from Workpower hand-planted more than 60,000 seedlings across the planting area. All seedlings were grown from seed collected from the property and were grown out at Wongan Trees Nursery and Boola Boornap Nursery. The planting area was divided into five polygons based on soil type and the seedling mix was allocated accordingly.

Red tractor with soil ripping trailer in between planting rows.

Site preparation and direct seeding

June 2023

Dr Geoff Woodall ripped and direct seeded the first 60 hectares with a biodiverse mix of native seed, all of which had been collected from remnant bush on the property.  Lines were ripped at approx. 6m intervals, allowing space for future infill between rows. The seed mix included several Acacia, Allocasuarina, Hakea and Dodonaea species.

Western Australian native seeds in metal hot room drying out

Seed collection

Spring – Summer 2022/2023

The Noongar Boodja Rangers (Wheatbelt NRM) and the team from Cape Life undertook several seed collection trips in preparation for the upcoming planting season. Branches and seed pods were collected from remnant bush on the property, dried and processed. The pure seed was then taken to the nurseries for seedling grow-out. Using local provenance seed helps to preserve the native biodiversity of the area and improves the chance of seedling survival as the plants are adapted to the local conditions.

High angled drone shot of cleared planting area with pockets of remnant vegetation

Site assessment

February 2022

An initial site assessment was conducted by Dr Geoff Woodall, Jess (CPOZ) and the Bush Blocks Guardians in February 2023. The assessment identified two main areas for planting – the ‘north paddock’ and the ‘south paddock’. The team surveyed the surrounding remnant bush to identify key species for the planting mix.

What we planted


14 species
pioneer species
nitrogen fixing​
angiosperm (flowering) species


4 species
nitrogen fixing​
hardwood tree


10 species
fast maturing tree
utilised for canopy cover
high survivability in nutrient-poor soils


2 species
hardy shrub
often prickly (excellent nesting habitat)
fire-adapted germination


9 species
tree and shrub form


5 species
all native to the area
mid-storey and canopy cover
habitat for native fauna

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