Aerial landscape shot of remnant bushland and cleared land about to be planted.

Minang Noongar Country

Tootanellup, WA

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Project overview

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Infill planting

July 2024

The team from Green Skills and the Gnowangerup Aboriginal Corporation Rangers hand-planted 3,200 native seedlings and 350 Macrozamia seeds to add density and biodiversity to specific areas of the site. The seedling mix included Banksia, Eucalyptus, and Melaleuca species. Swamp banksias (Banksia littoralis) were planted in the upper wetland area to improve the overall ecological value of the project.


March 2024

Liv (CPOZ) and Emily (APACE) completed the third-year monitoring assessment. The results showed an average density of 1,329 seedlings per hectare. The average tree height was 1.06m, an increase of 104% since last year‘s monitoring assessment. The tallest tree measured was a Marri (Corymbia calophylla) at 3.2 meters tall.

Woman standing next to tree


May 2023

The CPOZ team returned in May to complete a second-year monitoring assessment. The results indicated a high average survival rate of 84% and an average density of 1,696 seedlings/ha. The tallest tree was a Marri (Corymbia calophylla) at 1.7 metres.

Tambellup Rangers hand-planting seedlings in newly ripped planting rows.

Infill planting

August 2022

During winter, further planting was carried out by Green Skills, the Tambellup Rangers, Dr Geoff Woodall, and the CPOZ team. A combination of direct seeding and hand-planted seedlings was used to infill patchy areas across the site, as well as areas that were previously too wet to plant. In total, 5.7 kg of native seed and 8,920 seedlings from 23 unique species were planted.


April 2022

In early April, the CPOZ team established fourteen permanent monitoring plots across the planting site. These plots will be assessed regularly to track the growth and overall health of the site. Although there was some loss over the summer months, approximately 60,000 seedlings have established and are growing quickly – the tallest seedlings measured was an 80 centimetre Corymbia calophylla (‘Marri’)!

Site visit

December 2021

CPOZ team members Jess, Cath & Alice, joined Dr Geoff Woodall on site to check in on progress. Initial monitoring indicated an extremely high seed germination rate (approx. 13,000 seedlings per hectare). This density is expected to decrease significantly over the coming months as the seedlings weather their first summer.


July 2021

Towards the end of a very wet winter, Dr Geoff Woodall and the Green Skills team planted almost 15 kilograms of native seed across the site. A mechanical seeder was towed behind a tractor, with seeds being planted in the loosened soil of the pre-ripped lines. This process proved challenging, with the tractor getting bogged multiple times throughout the week!

Aerial landscape shot of remnant bushland and cleared land about to be planted.

Site preparation

April-July 2021

To prepare for planting, pest control was undertaken and lines were mechanically ripped across the site. Ripping loosens the topsoil, making it easier for seedling roots to penetrate and plants to survive. The ripping process also increases water retention which is critical for seed germination and survival in the early years.

One man kneeling on one knee next to a fauna habitat box whilst another man is standing over the box holding the lid open

Fauna Shelter

May 2021

Alongside the team from Green Skills, the Mt Barker & Nowanup Noongar Rangers installed 11 nesting boxes in the remnant bush around the planting site. These boxes will provide shelter for native fauna as the new trees grow. Six of the boxes were installed in trees for Brush-Tailed Phascogales. The remaining five boxes were placed closer to ground level for Mardo (Yellow-footed antechinus).

Two men standing overlooking a cleared area of land.

Site Assessment & Planning

November 2020

The initial site assessment, planning, and species selection was conducted by WA reforestation expert, Dr Geoff Woodall. The species mix was designed to replicate the remnant woodland surrounding the site, provide habitat for native fauna, and sequester carbon. A total of 79 native species, including Corymbia calophylla (‘Marri’) and several Eucalyptus, Hakeas, and Melaleucas, were selected, and seed orders were placed with local seed providers.

What we planted


10 species
small tree
pioneer species


1 species
hardwood tree


4 species
hardy plant
shrub/tree form


1 species
salt and drought tolerant
attracts native birds
nitrogen converter


4 species
high survivability in nutrient-poor soils
fast maturing tree
utilised for canopy cover


6 species
endemic to Australia
hardy shrub


10 species
endemic to Australia
hardy shrub


43 species
all native to the area
ground & canopy cover
habitat for native fauna

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