Site assessment and planning (Photo: Basil Schur).
Dr Geoff Woodall and Basil Schur (Green Skills) during initial site assessment.
Mt Barker Noongar Rangers installing fauna habitats in the remnant bushland surround the project site (Photo: Basil Schur).
Mt Barker Noongar Rangers installing fauna habitats (Photo: Basil Schur).
The project area, ripped and ready for seeding (Photo: Green Skills).
The project area, lines ripped and ready for seeding (Photo: Green Skills)
Dr Geoff Woodall and Green Skills team member inspecting during planting (Photo: Green Skills).
Dr Geoff Woodall with the direct seeding machine used to plant the site (Photo: Green Skills).
The planting tractor bogged due to wet conditions (Photo: Green Skills).
Hakea lissocarpha (‘Honey bush’) and Hakea undulata (‘Wavy-leaved hakea’) seedlings germinated from seed planted approx. 6 months prior.
View from the southern end of the planting site.
An emerging Eucalyptus marginata (‘jarrah’) seedling.
Dr. Geoff Woodall with CPOZ team members, Cath and Jess, assessing germination rates during the site visit.
A healthy Corymbia callophylla (‘Marri’) seedling.
The CPOZ team enjoying the sun and high seedling germination.
Drone image looking south across the planting site.
The tallest seedling spotted on site – an 80cm tall Corymbia calophylla (‘Marri’).
Hakea prostrata alongside an emerging Melaleuca seedling.
Close up of a Daviesia cordata (‘Bookleaf’) seedling.
A thriving Daviesia cordata (‘Bookleaf’) seedling.
A healthy Banksia grandis (‘Bull banksia’) with Melaleuca and Eucalyptus seedlings in the background.
Measuring the height of an Acacia myrtifolia (‘Myrtle Wattle)’ seedling.
One of the 14 permanent monitoring plots established during the assessment.
CPOZ team member, Jess, during the monitoring assessment.
A Eucalyptus decipiens (‘Redheart’) seedling in one of the plots.
A Corymbia calophylla (‘Marri’) seedling.
An Acacia stenoptera (‘Narrow-winged wattle’) seedling.
Close of up an Acacia pulchella (‘Prickly Moses Wattle’) branch with it’s characteristic spikes.
A small Kennedia prostrata (‘Running Postman’) seedling.
A beautiful Eucalyptus wandoo (‘White Gum’) in one of the monitoring plots.
Tambellup Rangers hand-planting seedlings in newly ripped planting rows (Photo: Basil Schur).
One of the Tambellup Rangers refilling a planting bucket with seedlings (Photo: Basil Schur).
Tambellup Rangers hand-planting near the end of a planting row (Photo: Basil Schur).
Planting site showing newly ripped planting lines next to remnant bushland.
KA and Cath (CPOZ) getting ready to start hand-planting.
KA (CPOZ) standing in a previously planted area of the site.
KA and Cath (CPOZ) removing seedlings from trays and filling up buckets for planting.
Jess and Cath (CPOZ) checking out previously planted areas.
One of the hand-planted native seedlings.
Jess and KA (CPOZ) collecting more seedlings.
Waterlogging visible behind planting rows on the site.
Drone shot of emus walking across planting rows.
Close-up of a healthy Eucalyptus.
Eucalyptus growing tall in planting row.
Jess (CPOZ) standing next to an Acacia myrtifolia.
Thriving Daviesia cordata (‘Bookleaf’) growing tall and wide.
Jess (CPOZ) standing next to an Acacia myrtifolia, ready to measure its impressive height.
Drone shot of seedlings successfully growing in planting rows.
Healthy growing Banksia with morning dew on its leaves.
Impressively tall Eucalyptus.
Drone shot of the planting site in 2024.
Liv (CPOZ) standing next to an impressively tall Eucalyptus.
A healthy Daviesia cordata (‘Bookleaf’).
Part of the planting area showing fantastic growth.
Emily (APACE) admiring the growth of an Acacia myrtifolia.
Green Skills and Gnowangerup Aboriginal Corporation Rangers hand-planting (Photo: Basil Schur).
One of the 2024 planting team members ready to plant a full bucket of seedlings (Photo: Basil Schur).
2024 planting team members filling up their seedling buckets (Photo: Basil Schur).
One of the 2024 planting team members planting Macrozamia riedlei seeds (Photo: Basil Schur).
Members of the 2024 planting team ready to start hand-planting (Photo: Basil Schur).