Entrance to Eurardy Reserve.
Eurardy Reserve planting area (Photo: Ken Lawson).
Soil sampling during site assessment.
Eurardy site prior to site preparation.
Lines ripped ready for planting.
Lines ripped ready for planting (Photo: Ken Lawson).
Ben Parkhurst from Bush Heritage Australia and his son Liam using a pottiputki planting tool to plant seedlings (Photo: Ken Lawson).
Eucalyptus, Melaleuca and Lamarchea seedlings ready for planting (Photo: Ken Lawson).
Eurardy planting site showing wide, meandering scalp lines (Photo: Ken Lawson).
E-Scapes Environmental team during 2019 planting (Photo: Ken Lawson).
E-Scapes Environmental team member planting seedings using a pottiputki tool (Photo: Ken Lawson).
Tina and Ben Parkhurst from Bush Heritage Australia with their son Liam (Photo: Ken Lawson).
Tina Parkhurst planting a seedling (Photo: Ken Lawson).
Eucalyptus seedling ready to be planted (Photo: Ken Lawson).
E-Scapes team during 2019 planting (Photo: Ken Lawson).
Eucalyptus and Melaleuca seedlings being prepared for planting (Photo: Ken Lawson).
Planting rows at Eurardy (Photo: Ken Lawson).
Drone photo of E-Scapes Environmental planting team in progress (Photo: Ken Lawson).
A healthy Eucalyptus seedling approx. 9 months after planting (Photo: Tina Parkhurst).
A healthy Acacia seedling spotted during 2020 monitoring (Photo: Tina Parkhurst).
A Eucalyptus seedling growing well approx. 9 months after planting (Photo: Tina Parkhurst).
A juvenile Eucalyptus showing signs of pest damage (Photo: Tina Parkhurst).
View down one of the planting rows during 2020 monitoring (Photo: Tina Parkhurst).
A healthy Eucalyptus approx. 9 months after planting (Photo: Tina Parkhurst).
Lines ripped for planting (Photo: Ken Lawson).
Emus gathered near the Eurardy planting site (Photo: Ken Lawson).
E-Scapes Environmental team member using a using a pottiputki device to plant seedlings (Photo: Ken Lawson).
Kidney bucket full of seedlings ready for planting (Photo: Ken Lawson).
E-Scapes Environmental team member using a using a pottiputki device to plant seedlings (Photo: Ken Lawson).
Close up of a Eucalyptus seedling (Photo: Ken Lawson).
A young Eucalyptus during monitoring in April 2021 (Photo: Tina Parkhurst).
Tina Parkhurst (Bush Heritage Australia) and Dr. Geoff Woodall during a site visit in September 2021.
A young Eucalyptus seedling in the 2021 planting area.
Part of the 2019 planting area showing fantastic growth.
A well-established Eucalyptus loxophleba (‘York gum’). (Photo: Tina Parkhurst).
Part of the 2019 planting area.
E-Scapes Environmental team member at the start of one of the rows planted in July 2021.
Part of the additional 220 hectares planted in 2021.
Part of the additional 220 hectares planted in 2021.
Dr Geoff Woodall alongside a thriving Eucalyptus seedling in the 2021 planting area.
Successful seedling establishment in the 2021 planting area.
Central Netted Dragon (Ctenophorus nuchalis) spotted on site.
Ches (CPOZ) walking between two rows in the 2020 planting area.
Curved rows in the 2020 planting area.
Hairy leaves of a Eucalyptus gittinsii (‘Northern Sandplain Mallee’).
A juvenile Lamarachea hakeifolia shrub.
Sam Fischer (Reserve Manager, BHA), Dr Geoff Woodall, and Ches (CPOZ) looking out across remnant bushland.
Part of the 2019 planting area glistening in the late afternoon sun.
Close up of a Melaleuca eleuterostachya.
A thriving Eucalyptus tree in the 2020 planting area.
The fleshy leaves of a healthy Melaleuca hollidayi.
Torrie (CPOZ) standing next to a Eucalyptus tree.
Acacia saligna (‘Coojong’) seedling planted in winter 2022.
Planting rows on the red soil area of Eurardy.
Flowering Acacia species.
Jess (CPOZ) with a large Acacia rostellifera (‘Summer-scented wattle’) shrub.
Lamarchea hakeifolia seedling showing great growth.
Planting rows curving in the distance.
Eucalyptus species.
Large Acacia rostellifera (‘Summer-scented wattle’) shrubs amongst Eucalyptus and other species.
The on-site nursery.
Some of the 46,000+ seedlings ready to be planted. Species pictured include Lamarchea hakeifolia, Eucalyptus gittinsii, Acacia saligna and Acacia acuminata.
Seedlings packed on the trailer ready to be transported to the planting site.
Louise (CPOZ CEO) and the team hand-planting part of the yellow sandplain trial area.
Jess (CPOZ) and the team at the yellow sandplain planting area.
Ebony (CPOZ) filling up her planting bucket with seedlings from the trailer.
Ebony (CPOZ) watering the seedlings to prevent them from drying out in the warm conditions.
Sam (Bush Heritage Australia) and Dr Geoff Woodall inspecting the rows in the red soils planting area.
Sunset over the planting rows in the red soils area.
Jess (CPOZ) holding up a Eucalyptus seedling.
Ripped lines for infill planting on the red soil area.
Bilbo (CPOZ) and Louise (CPOZ) ready to begin hand-planting on the yellow soil area.
Sunset over the yellow soil planting area.
Ros MacFarlane and Louise (CPOZ) filling up their planting buckets.
Calothamnus and Lamarchea seedlings.
APACE WA team member collecting Calothamnus seed.
2022 seed collection.
2022 seed collection.
2023 Planting team.
The planting tractor moving along the 2023 planting rows.
Rainbow over the 2023 planting area.
Jess (CPOZ) holding seedlings trays.
The 2023 on-site nursery.
Chris (Rural Lifestyle Solutions) admiring a 57,579 seedling delivery from Plantrite.
Flowering Grevilia seedling.
Ros (Sandalwood Solutions) watering the seedlings in the on-site nursery with Jess (CPOZ).
Little Acacia blakelyi seedlings freshly planted in the planting row.
Measuring the height of a Eucalyptus tree in the monitoring plot.
Liv (CPOZ) measuring the height of a Lamarchea hakeifolia.
Impressive Eucalyptus tree growing in a monitoring plot.
Liv (CPOZ) walking through a planting area during sunset.
Flowering Acacia species.
Measuring the height of a Lamarchea hakeifolia.
Part of the 2020 planting area at Eurardy Reserve.
Part of the 2020 planting area in 2023.
Newly ripped planting rows in 2024 between planting rows between 2023.
View over the 2024 planting team in the sandplain area.
View over the 2024 planting team in the sandalwood area.
Emily and Nat (APACE) organising the on-site nursery and watering the seedlings.
Ben (BHA) preparing to unload the seedling delivery.
The 2024 nursery team filling up seedling boxes.
The 2024 planting team loading up their seedling buckets.
Part of the 2024 sandalwood planting area.