Cranbrook biodiverse carbon planting site

Minang Noongar Country

Cranbrook, WA

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Seedlings Planted

Project overview

Latest news

Infill Planting

Winter 2023

During the winter months, we returned to the site with Threshold Environmental and the Binalup Rangers to plant native sandalwood seeds in the Biodiverse Sandalwood area. We also planted ~4,000 salt-tolerant seedlings with the crew from APACE WA to increase density in the Saltland Carbon areas.

Low angled drone shot of trees in planting rows


Autumn 2023

Jess and Liv (CPOZ) conducted a second-year monitoring assessment of the saltland carbon area. The results indicated an average survival rate of 62% and a decrease in average density by 17% since 2021. Overall, the site is looking very well-established and diverse with birds and wildlife using the revegetation.

Woman standing next to a small tree in a paddock

Site visit

Winter 2022

In August, Jess (CPOZ) and Justin Jonson (Threshold Environmental) visited the site to conduct a whole-site visual monitoring assessment. There was evidence of pest damage from leaf miners on Eucalyptus plants, however, most other results were great considering variable soil salinity.

Woman and man standing next to each other in planting area

Site Visit

June 2021

CPOZ team members Louise, Jess, and Alice visited the site to check on the progress. This was a great opportunity to catch up with the landholder to discuss the journey so far as well as future plans for the site.

Rows of juvenile Australian tree species in a tree planting project with mountain range in the background


May 2021

In May of the following year, the team from Threshold Environmental returned to monitor the planting site. The team measured several factors including survival, growth, and stocking density. It was estimated that approximately 500,000 shrubs and trees had established across the compartments, with several Eucalyptus, Acacia, Melaleuca and Allocasuarina species showing particularly high success.


Winter 202

Led by the Threshold Environmental team, direct seeding began in June. Approximately 37 kg of mixed native seed was sewn across the planting areas. In July, more than 47,000 native seedlings were hand-planted using pottiputki devices to speed up the process. A total of 95 different species were planted including trees, mallees, shrubs, and groundcover.

Lines ripped in a paddock ready for trees to be planted with mountain range in the background

Site preparation

May 2020

To prepare for planting the site was scalped and treated with herbicides. This practice reduces competition from perennial weeds, improving the likelihood of seedling survival and establishment. In the Saltland Carbon areas, rows were mounded to reduce root system exposure to salinity and water logging. All areas were arranged into a grid formation to ensure adequate spacing between seedlings.

Man holding a tray of native Australian seeds

Seed collection

Spring/Summer 2019

Over the following months, native seed was collected from remnant bushland in the local area. The seeds were treated (using either smoke, water, or heat) to improve the likelihood of germination. A total of 84 different species were collected and treated including several Acacia, Allocasuarina, Calothamnus, and Eucalyptus species. Seedling orders were placed and grown out at Parnell’s Nursery over the summer months.

Landscape at sunset with rolling mountains in the background

Site assessment

Winter 2019

The landholders had identified several areas across the property (~65 ha total) that were showing signs of degradation and declining productivity. A site assessment was conducted by Justin Jonson (Threshold Environmental) to determine the physical and chemical properties of these areas. The areas were compartmentalised based on their characteristics and a separate planting methodology and species mis was developed for each compartment.

What we planted


19 species
sandalwood host
short lifespan
nitrogen fixing​


4 species
nitrogen fixing​
hardwood tree


2 species
low-lying shrub
highly salt tolerant
drought tolerant


1 species
high nectar production
hardy tree


1 species
salt and drought tolerant
attracts native birds
nitrogen converter


16 species
food source for native fauna
fast maturing tree
utilised for canopy cover


7 species
hardy shrub
often prickly (excellent nesting habitat)
fire-adapted germination


19 species
excellent shrubby habitat


1 species
aromatic timber


16 species
native to area
increase biodiversity
provide understory and
canopy cover

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