Ballardong Noongar Country

Brookton Sandalwood, WA

  • One-off
  • Monthly


Seedlings Planted

Project overview

Latest news


November 2023

Jess and Liv (CPOZ) returned to the site to conduct a fourth-year monitoring assessment. The results showed a 2% increase in the average stocking density (all species) from last year and a 37% increase in average height to 1.84m. The average stocking density of Santalum spicatum (sandalwood) has increased by 21%, with an average height of 1.13m. The tallest tree measured across all plots was a 6.5m Acacia lasiocalyx (‘Shaggy wattle’).

Two women crouching down filling buckets with native seedlings

Infill Planting

July 2022

The team hand-planted an additional 1,500 seedlings across the planting site. Several hundred Banksia prionotes (‘Acorn banksia’) seedlings were added to increase the density of angiosperms (flowering trees) to attract and provide food for native fauna. We will return to the site next year for the annual monitoring assessment.

Woman standing next to an Acacia meisneri

monitoring & infill

April 2022

The team were again joined by Dr Peter Ritson to monitor progress of the planting site. The site was visibly thriving, with several Banksia trees even bearing flowers! The average density (trees pre hectare) had increased by 12% from the previous year, and the average height had increased by 40%. The tallest tree measured was an Acacia lasiocalyx (‘Shaggy Wattle’) standing at 4.4 metres.

Women smiling next to an Acacia acuminata plant holding a measuring stick with a man behind the plant looking down at a phone in his hand

monitoring & infill

April 2021

Led by Dr Peter Ritson (FarmWoods) the team monitored fifteen plots across the planting area, noting species, health, height, and stem diameter. Results showed an average stocking density of 727 trees per hectare – a significant improvement from the previous year. While plots were being assessed, an additional 35kg of sandalwood seed was planted by the Noongar Boodja Ranges to infill areas with low germination.

close up of Acacia acuminata seedlings in trays

infill planting

July 2020

An additional 3,726 Acacia acuminata (‘Jam wattle’) seedlings were planted across the site to replace seedlings that had not survived and to bulk-up any patchy areas. The seedlings were hand-planted by the Noongar Boodja Rangers from Wheatbelt NRM.

Man using a hand-held planting device called a pottiputki to plant sandalwood nuts.

Monitoring & Sandalwood seeding

May 2020

Results from a comprehensive monitoring assessment conducted by Dr Peter Ritson showed an average of 529 trees per hectare across the site and average seedling survival of 67%, however this varied between plots due to competition from weeds. Concurrent to the monitoring, the Noongar Boodja Rangers planted around 90kg of sandalwood seed across the site using hand-held pottiputki devices.

Ripped planting rows ready for planting.

survival counts

November 2019

Around four months after planting, initial survival monitoring was conducted to determine how the plants were faring. The results showed an average survival rate of 90%, however many seedlings were displaying early signs of drought stress. Given the hot summer that was predicted to come, infill planting was recommended for the following winter to ensure the desired stocking density was met.

Two men smiling whilst walking with seedlings bucket and placing seedlings in a pottiputki


July 2019

In July, a biodiverse seed mix was sown across the site. This mix contained nine different species including several Acacias, Allocasuarinas, Banksias, and Hakeas. In addition to the seed mix, the Noongar Boodja Rangers also planted more then 24,000 Acacia acuminata (‘Jame wattle’) seedlings using hand-held pottiputki devices.

Cleared area of land with sandy yellow soil

site assessment

December 2018

To determine whether the site was suitable for planting, an initial assessment was undertaken by Dr Geoff Woodall. Three main areas were recommended for planting. Soils in these areas were identified typically as duplex pale sand over clay, with ironstone gravel in the clay layer. These soils tend to be relatively unproductive for agricultural crops but often yield very positive restoration outcomes.

What we planted


4 species
sandalwood host
short lifespan
nitrogen fixing​


2 species
nitrogen fixing​
hardwood tree


2 species
fire tolerant
cylindrical flower spike
sweet nectar


3 species
drought tolerant
ornamental flowers


1 species
aromatic timber
medicinal properties

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