Initial site photo prior to planting.
Fencing being established around the perimeter of the planting site.
Fenced and ripped ready for planting.
Ros MacFarlane (Sandalwood Solutions) treating the native seeds with smoke to aid the germination process.
Seed collection and treatment process.
Native seed being dried following the smoke treatment.
Seedlings ready for planting.
Ros MacFarlane (Sandalwood Solutions) in the planting trailer.
Ros MacFarlane (Sandalwood Solutions) and Peter Ritson (Farmwoods) in the process of planting.
A handful of native seed mix ready for planting.
Direct seeder being towed by a tractor in the process of planting.
Eucalyptus seedlings planted in the ripped line.
Sandalwood seed being placed into a pottiputki planting device.
Seedling trays of Acacia and Eucalyptus for planting.
Sandalwood seed ready for planting.
Initial survival of seedlings in Summer 2019.
A well established Eucalyptus seeding during Monitoring 2019.
Volunteer setting up a monitoring quadrat.
Ros (Sandalwood Solutions), Peter (Farmwoods) and Alice (CPOZ) admiring a thriving plant.
Planting rows showing good establishment and growth during monitoring in July 2021.
Peter (Farmwoods) checking the growth of a tree during monitoring.
Drone photo of established planting rows across the Bencubbin site.
Established Eucalyptus tree.
Hakea francisiana (‘Emu tree’) near the Bencubbin planting site.
Echidna enjoying the winter sun during monitoring at Bencubbin.
Dr Peter Ritson (Farmwoods) and Jess (CPOZ) recording data during monitoring.
Close up of a healthy Acacia spotted during monitoring.
Beautiful flowering Acacia microbotrya (‘Manna wattle’).
A few very healthy Acacia resinimarginea (‘Old Man Wodjil’) shrubs.​
Acacia brumalis (‘Winter wattle’).
Ros MacFarlane (Sandalwood Solutions) next to a dense planting row.
Great growth along planting rows.
Ros MacFarlane (Sandalwood Solutions) standing next to a very tall Acacia lasiocalyx (‘Shaggy wattle’).
Sunset over the planting site.
Flowering Sandalwood (Santalum spicatum) from the surrounding bushland.
Flowering Acacia microbotrya (‘Manna wattle’) inbetween various other Acacia species.
Infill lines ripped and planted in a patchy area of the site.
Feeding one of the Acacia acuminata (‘Jam Wattle’) seedlings into the machine planter.
New lines planted to infill patchy areas of the site.
One of the 6,000+ seedlings planted by Ros (Sandalwood Solutions) and the CPOZ team.
Infill lines ripped and planted in a patchy area of the site.
Gail (CPOZ) feeding seedlings into the machine planter.
View looking east over a well-established part of the site.
Gail (CPOZ), Jess (CPOZ) and Ros MacFarlane loading seedling trays onto the tractor.
Infill planting row
Beautiful sunset over the planting rows.
Seedlings being distributed to the planting team.
Planting team members collecting seedlings ready for planting.
Planting team members infill planting seedlings.
Arrival of seedling delivery ready for planting.
2023 infill planting team.
View looking North West over the planting site in 2024.
View looking east over a part of the site in 2024.
Ros (Sandalwood Solutions) next to an Acacia lasiocalyx (‘Shaggy wattle’) in 2024.
Liv (CPOZ) standing next to an Acacia microbotrya.