Drone photo of successful native tree planting project with

Ballardong Noongar Country

Bencubbin, WA​

Bencubbin is located in the Wheatbelt of Western Australia, approximately 270 kilometres north-east of Perth.

This 22-hectare planting site is part of a larger property owned by a local farming family. Since the 1900s, this region has been extensively cleared for agriculture, causing a range of environmental issues. By planting a diverse mix of native species, including native sandalwood, the aim of this project is to create a natural wind buffer to reduce erosion, improve soil quality, and restore biodiversity. After 25 years, the landholders can harvest the valuable sandalwood timber, creating a mutually beneficial restoration model for all involved.

Since 2018, we have planted more than 26,000 seedlings and 71 kg of seed across the project site, restoring vegetation to the region and increasing habitat for native wildlife.

  • One-off
  • Monthly

Single Gift


Monthly Gift

Seedlings Planted

Project overview

Latest news


April 2023

The CPOZ team and Ros (Sandalwood Solutions) headed back out to the site for the 5th monitoring assessment. The results showed an average density of 654 live trees/ha and an average height of 1.22 metres. The tallest tree measured was a 5 metre tall Acacia lasiocalyx.

Group photo of ten woman standing and crouching in a field with pottiputki's and seedings buckets

INFILL Planting

July 2023

We returned to the site with Ros MacFarlane (Sandalwood Solutions) and a fantastic group of volunteers to identify and add more trees to any patchy areas. The team hand-planted an additional 20kg of sandalwood seed and more than 3,000 Acacia and Eucalyptus seedlings. We will return next Autumn to undertake the annual monitoring assessment and see how the site is progressing.

Person sitting in a tree planting machine surrounded by seedlings


July 2022

Ros (Sandalwood Solutions) and the CPOZ team planted an additional 6,000 Acacia acuminata (‘Jam Wattle’) seedlings across patchy areas of the site. A combination of machine and hand-planting was used with the aim of increasing the number of sandalwood host trees. Sandalwood seeds will be sown next to these trees next year.

Person walking towards a row of shrubs


May 2022

Ros (Sandalwood Solutions) and Jess (CPOZ) headed to site in early May to conduct a full monitoring assessment. Results indicated that average stocking density had declined slightly from the previous year, to 757 trees/ha. High variability between sites was noticeable, mainly due to fauna predation. The tallest tree was an Acaica lasiocalyx (‘Silver shaggy wattle’) which measured an impressive 4.2 metres.

Photo showing rows of green, planted shrubs in a paddock.


July 2021

Monitoring results from July showed an average of 840 stems per hectare; a significant improvement from previous years. There was still a notable variation between the plots, with lower density around the perimeter as a result of predation from rabbits and kangaroos. An additional 7.5kg of Sandalwood seed was planted across the site and further infill of host species recommended for the following winter.

Close up photo of a persons hands holding a small round nut and a red metal tube.


July 2020

An additional 4,326 Acacia acuminata (‘Jam Wattle’) seedlings were hand-planted across the site to increase stocking density. This species was chosen as it is the main host species for Sandalwood. In addition to the Acacia seedlings, a further 7.5kg of Sandalwood seed was hand-planted across the site using pottiputki planting devices.

An established seedling growing in sandy soil with dry crops.


November 2019

Results from the monitoring assessment indicated a significant difference in stocking density (trees/ha) between the two planting compartments (more than 1,000 trees/ha in the northern compartment and ~351 trees/ha in the southern compartment). This difference may be attributed to pest damage as the southern compartment is directly adjacent to remnant bushland. Further infill was recommended to ensure the desired stocking density was met.

A black tray of Australian native seedlings


August 2019

As recommended, an additional 2,464 seedlings were hand-planted to “bulk-up” patchy areas across the site. These were predominately the host species Acacia acuminata (‘Jam Wattle’) and Eucalytpus loxophleba (‘York Gum’). Approximately 30kg of Sandalwood seed (Santalum spicatum) was also planted across the site with seeds being hand-sown next to established host trees.

Man wearing glasses and a hat hammering a wooden stake into the ground of a sandy paddock.


July 2019

A full assessment of the planting site was conducted a year after the initial planting. The team monitored 11 random quadrats across the site, collecting data on species diversity, germination, height and survival. Overall, the average survival rate was around 60%, however this varied significantly between quadrats (47% to 84%). Infill planting was recommended for the following winter in order to reach the desired stocking density across the project site.

Photo of a dried paddock with a row of small planted seedlings.


January 2019

Initial monitoring was conducted during summer to assess survival. Results showed an overall survival rate of around 85%. This was deemed a positive result considering the drier than average conditions the area had experienced. The team noted some pest damage (likely kangaroos and rabbits) particularly around the perimeter of the site where they had nibbled seedlings. This was recorded and additional pest control was recommended for the area.

Tractor towing a trailer driving across a sandy paddock.


July 2018

Over a three day period, approximately 10,000 seedlings and 6kg of native seed mix was planted across the site. A direct seeding machine was used to plant both seed and seedlings, making fast work of the large area. In total, 25 different native species were planted. Acacias, which act as hosts for sandalwood, represented a large proportion of this mix. Other species planted on the site included several Eucalyptus, Casuarina and Hakea species.

Photo of a sandy paddock with a white ute in the far right next to a tree line.


May 2018

To prepare for planting, the site was scalped and ripped. This process removes weeds from the seed bank and loosens the soil so seedling roots can establish successfully. Pest control and weed management were undertaken to minimise competition. Fencing was established around the site to prevent sheep, kangaroos and rabbits from grazing on the new seedlings.

What we planted


16 species
sandalwood host
short lifespan
nitrogen fixing​


2 species
nitrogen fixing​
hardwood tree


1 species
salt and drought tolerant
attracts native birds
nitrogen converter


4 species
high survivability in nutrient-poor soils
fast maturing tree
utilised for canopy cover


1 species
hardy shrub
endemic to Australia
fire-adapted germination


1 species
aromatic timber

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