How Can I Become Carbon Positive?

To be carbon positive or climate positive begins by understanding that the earth is a system and that we are a part of that system. All of our actions have an impact on that system. How, through our efforts, can we ensure that the changes we make influence the system towards diversity and wellbeing for all?

looking up at trees

How can you be carbon positive?

  • Choosing to protect our old-growth forests to protect habitats and biodiversity.
  • Protecting our rivers
  • Making choices that support our indigenous communities and that put “country” first
  • Making sure the reforestation projects we support have ecological value, are biodiverse, and increase habitat
  • Choosing to work with our agricultural community to deliver carbon plantings that protect our agricultural heritage
  • Switching to 100% renewable energy
  • Taking action in our communities to reduce our emissions
  • Knowing your carbon footprint, then reducing your emissions and offsetting those emissions you cannot reduce to become carbon neutral
  • Encouraging the businesses and organisations we work for and with to become net-zero
  • Consuming less and spending our money with organisations that are working towards net-zero
  • Connecting with the places that we live and our communities so that we increase our sense of belonging – we care about what we love!
  • Help you to understand your footprint
  • Provide education on how to reduce
  • Ensure that our tree and revegetation projects have high ecological value
  • Work with our agricultural community to deliver carbon plantings that protect our agricultural heritage
  • Take action in the community
  • Encourage you to connect to place through our projects
  • Promote and support businesses that are taking steps to become carbon positive

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