Why biodiversity is good for business

Biodiversity and nature fuel your business. According to the World Economic Forum, half of the global GDP relies on nature and its ecosystems. As biodiversity declines, the systems your business relies on are at risk. Investing in nature isn’t just about caring for the planet—it’s about strengthening your business’s resilience.

Yarraweyah Biodiverse Reforestation

Biodiversity loss is the next big business risk

If we don’t act now, biodiversity loss will threaten essential resources for our economy

  • Raw material shortages: Industries like agriculture, food production, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics face significant risks from declining biodiversity, affecting the availability of essential resources.
  • Disrupted supply chains: Biodiversity loss disrupts access to raw materials and increases production costs.
  • Rising costs: Scarcity due to environmental degradation drives up prices, adding pressure to businesses and consumers alike.
  • Increased health risks: Biodiversity decline can reduce air and water quality, lower food nutritional value, and heighten disease vulnerability.

Australia’s role in biodiversity protection

Three ways harness biodiversity for business growth

  1. Assess and understand: Evaluate your business’s impact and reliance on capital assets and natural ecosystems. Simply put, an inventory of the natural resources needed to conduct your business. Check out our free resource to help you look at your ESG measurement and goals.
  2. Support biodiversity initiatives: Invest in or partner with nature-based projects that align with your business goals. Supporting nature-based solutions increases the positive impacts of emission reduction and sustainability initiatives. Partnering with Carbon Positive Australia offers simple business solutions that have a direct, positive impact on the environment.
  3. Set goals to reduce environmental impact: Implement circular and regenerative practices, reduce waste and consumption, and seek opportunities for sustainable innovations. This could happen inside or outside your business. Partnering to support the growth of Miyawaki pocket forests helps communities around Australia take an innovative approach to increasing green canopy and biodiversity in small urban areas.

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