Corridor Creation for Threatened Nimbin Koalas

In a beautiful piece of synchronicity, work will begin on our Nimbin, NSW planting project during September – National Biodiversity Month! The Nimbin project is located in a medium to high value koala habitat area and will link up a wildlife corridor that extends through to Nightcap National Park. Koalas have been seen on the project property, both in the trees and on the ground, as well as on neighbouring properties. There’s also an abundance of wallabies who have recently…

In a beautiful piece of synchronicity, work will begin on our Nimbin, NSW planting project during September – National Biodiversity Month! The Nimbin project is located in a medium to high value koala habitat area and will link up a wildlife corridor that extends through to Nightcap National Park. Koalas have been seen on the project property, both in the trees and on the ground, as well as on neighbouring properties. There’s also an abundance of wallabies who have recently been spotted frolicking in the spring clover!

This project will be a biodiverse carbon planting of 27.5 hectares – a mix of over 100 endemic dry rainforest, riparian and sclerophyll species that will include many koala food trees such as Forest Red Gums (koala’s absolute favourite), Tallowwood and Grey Gums (which they also love). An additional 6 hectares of the property will be treated with bush regeneration techniques that aim to assist the naturally regenerating hoop pine, riparian and dry rainforest to thrive. Bush regeneration will begin in mid-September 2021. The carbon planting work – 69,500 trees! – will be completed in the 2022 planting season.

We’re working with our planting and bush regen contractor, Future Forests, to undertake this work on a somewhat tricky block. The property is undulating, with several steep sections that make access difficult in wet weather. The property shares a boundary with the stunning Webster Creek (right) and has a seasonal creek that crosses the block. Most of the trees will go into open setaria grass paddock, as the property was a working cattle farm until fairly recently.

We’d like to offer a huge thank you to all of those who have pledged support to this project. Once complete, the trees planted will do so much more than sequester carbon…they will provide habitat for countless species of animal, bird, insect and microbia – helping to increase biodiversity, connect up existing vegetation and riparian corridors, and contribute to maintaining the area’s high natural rainfall. The site is already in an area of extraordinary natural beauty and we are confident that this project will make a significant positive contribution to the local environment. We’re very much looking forward to bringing you progress updates and lots more photos (including hopefully some of koalas!).

If you’d like to support this and our other biodiverse native planting projects, please make a donation here.

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