How was your 2022?
This time of year is good for reflection. Environmentally it’s been a massive year and a mixed one. We finally have Australia-wide goals for reducing our emissions by 2030, but this is coupled with the knowledge that the carbon crediting scheme in Australia is rife with opportunities for greenwashing. We continue to lose habitat for our precious wildlife, and extinction rates are unprecedented. The changes in our climate have directly impacted people and nature, and it’s been a challenging year for many.
At Carbon Positive Australia we have overcome considerable challenges to restore over 265 hectares of land this year. Our mission to plant on degraded land and restore ecosystems means we have specialist needs. In a year where nursery capacity has been tight, ensuring that we have enough of the many different species of tree we plant has been complex. This has been combined with planting under challenging circumstances (rains and floods) and new soil types, such as the sand plain areas at Eurardy. One of our biggest highlights was planting Miyawaki forests with school children across Perth; these micro-forests are climate heroes, and next year we will be planting them across Australia. We have now begun seed collection for a massive year in 2023, and we can only do that with your help.
By offsetting your carbon, planting trees with us and supporting our work, your gifts ensure we can restore more land, creating homes for wildlife such as the now-endangered koalas and birds like the Black Cockatoo. When we plant for climate, we plant for nature and all of our futures.
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your contribution in 2022 and wish you a Christmas and holiday season filled with peace, joy, and hope. May you be surrounded by love, family, and friends, and may each new day bring a renewed sense of purpose and optimism. May we all experience a regenerative 2023 full of possibilities for a future where the natural world is thriving.
Sincerely and for the health of the planet,
Louise Tarrier, CEO