Carnaby’s black cockatoo holiday eCard – art by Sami Bayly


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Send a memorable holiday eCard featuring original artwork by acclaimed Australian artist Sami Bayly.

“The Carnaby’s black cockatoo deserves to be respected and cared for, not because of its beautiful appearance, delicate feather structure or cheeky personality (as I discovered when illustrating it), but because it uses planet Earth as its home too.” – Sami Bayly.

Sami is a NSW-based scientific illustrator who loves to paint any animal or plant that can be defined as weird, wonderful, or even ugly. The only thing ‘ugly’ about the Carnaby’s black cockatoo is the alarming decline in its population over the past few decades. Without urgent action to protect their habitat, this iconic species could face extinction in less than 20 years.

By choosing to send this eCard, you can help make a difference. Every eCard purchased supports our native tree planting projects across Australia. Native trees that are critical for the habitat and foraging needs of Carnaby’s black cockatoos.

Sending an eCard is simpler than you think. Choose your recipient, personalise your message, enter your contribution amount, and select ‘schedule’ or ‘send now’ to deliver it right on time.

For more of Sami’s artwork, visit her Instagram.
Learn about the artists supporting us here.



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