Black cockatoos happy new year eCard – art by Brenton See


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Send a unique holiday eCard featuring original artwork by talented Australian artist Brenton See.

This ‘happy new year’ eCard showcases the work of Perth artist and muralist, Brenton See. Known for his striking depictions of local wildlife, Brenton’s art celebrates native species found within 15km of the walls he paints, making each piece unique and educational.This particular eCard features the critically endangered red-tailed black cockatoo (Karrak). With fewer than 15,000 Karraks remaining in the wild, they urgently need our help.

Every eCard you purchase supports our our native tree planting projects across Australia.

Projects that play a critical role in restoring habitats and ensuring the foraging needs of these rare birds are met.

Sending an eCard is simpler than you think. Choose your recipient, personalise your message, enter your contribution amount, and select ‘schedule’ or ‘send now’ to deliver it right on time.

For more of Brenton See’s artwork, visit his Instagram or website.
Learn about the artists supporting us here.


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