Mawson Infrastructure

"We have partnered with Carbon Positive Australia to plant 3989 trees in WA in 2021 and look forward to expanding our relationship over time. Carbon Positive Australia are doing fantastic work in the Eurardy region, aiming to plant 1 million trees, and we want to be a part of this native tree planting project. Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink and provide habitat to over 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity. They also provide…

Our Carbon Hero for November is Mawson Infrastructure, a digital infrastructure provider with diversified operations across Cryptocurrency Mining and Digital Asset Management. Headquartered in Sydney, NSW, and operating across the USA and Australia, the organisation’s mission is to build a bridge between the rapidly emerging digital asset industry and traditional capital markets, with a strong focus on shareholder returns.

Mawson Infrastructure has partnered with us through our tree-planting programs. As a progressive, forwarding thinking business in the digital space, they understand that healthy, native trees and forests are critical to climate health just as much as adapting to new ways in the digital asset sector are.

As a business partner, they have made it possible for our organisation to plant more trees, sequester more carbon and have greater social and economic impacts than we could achieve alone.  Their contribution will allow us to fund tree planting and monitoring and research, and furthermore, will enable us to develop and deliver best-practice planting sites.

We spoke to Nick Hughes to find out why they have chosen to partner with us.

Please tell us a little about yourself and why it matters to you to be restoring Australia?
Mawson Infrastructure Group is committed to being a sustainable bitcoin miner and digital asset business, with a strong focus on the E in ESG. Our goal is to be a Net Zero Carbon business by 2030 via a combination of moving towards zero-carbon energy sources, carbon offsets, tree planting initiatives, and other carbon reduction initiatives within the business. We have already achieved this goal in 2020 via the use of carbon offset credits.

What are the inspirations behind your company?
Mawson Infrastructure Group’s goal is to become the leading sustainable digital asset company.

Why is caring for the environment important to you?
Caring for the environment is essential to us because a thriving environment is the basis upon which all life exists.

How are you collaborating/partnering/working with Carbon Positive Australia, and what motivated you to work with us?
We have partnered with Carbon Positive Australia to plant 3989 trees in WA in 2021 and look forward to expanding our relationship over time. Carbon Positive Australia are doing fantastic work in the Eurardy region, aiming to plant 1 million trees, and we want to be a part of this native tree planting project. Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink and provide habitat to over 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity. They also provide jobs to over 1.6 billion people, absorb carbon from the atmosphere, and are key ingredients in 25% of all medicines.

What environmental goals would you like to achieve? If yes, how and by when, and what has motivated you to set these goals?
Our goal is to be a Net Zero Carbon business by 2030 via a combination of moving towards zero-carbon energy sources, carbon offsets, tree planting initiatives, and other carbon reduction initiatives within the business. We have already achieved this goal in 2020 via the use of carbon offset credits.

Is your organisation working on any other environmental or social initiatives?
Yes, we currently are involved with OneTreePlanted, ReForestNow, Carbon Neutral in addition to Carbon Positive Australia, and will plant 53,000 trees in 2022, up from 25,000 in 2021, and are always looking to do more.

Is there anything else you can share about your company’s sustainability vision for the future?
A more detailed look at our Sustainability initiatives can be found at Sustainability – Mawson Infrastructure Group.

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